Branding & Logo Design

What does your logo represent?

When potential clients are first exposed to your brand, what do they feel? What is the first impression you hope to leave them with? A logo is the first entry point to your business so it is important that it communicates what your company is about. Logos can show that your business is trustworthy, established, professional, fun, strong, etc. And building a consistent and appropriate brand around a logo is just as important.

Case Study : hearth Creative

Our own brand has gone through a few iterations, changing when neccessary. It’s not always easy to say goodbye to an old friend like a logo, but sometimes a fresh start is exactly what you need.

As we have evolved over the last decade, we knew our face to the digital world needed to as well.

If you are in need of a rebrand, or have a brand new project, fill out the form below and we will be in touch to find out how we can best serve you!


Why do you need a good logo?

It’s the first thing people see; it’s the look of your company, the feel; it reflects what you do and who you are – your company’s logo is an essential part of doing business. A good logo will successfully express your company’s values. Your logo is how people recognize your business, it helps express how your company is different from your rivals – warmer, greener, stronger and so on.

Your logo is a potential customer’s first impression and you can leave a lasting one with good design. An impression that sticks with people, one they will remember. A good logo makes a company more trusted, more legitimate. It should be appropriate to your business, memorable, uncomplicated and original.

Likewise, a poorly designed logo can hurt your business, and your potential client’s view of your company, no matter your reputation. An outdated logo can tell customers that your business is no longer current, and they make look elsewhere.

Contact Hearth Creative today to discuss how your logo is affecting your business!

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Hearth Creative is confident we can help you will all of your design needs. Whether you have existing work that needs updated, or need a brand new logo, website or advertising campaign – we are here!

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